There’s a yawning gap between the effectiveness of original research in content marketing and its use. Here’s why this needs to change.
Research bursts onto the scene.
When it comes to influencing the B2B buying process, there’s a new kid on the block who’s challenging word of mouth for supremacy — original research.
The latest findings on the role of content in B2B purchasing decisions show that 74 per cent of buyers consider original research to be influential. In fact, word of mouth (80 per cent) and original research (74 per cent) far outstrip the third-placed product reviews (58 per cent).
Delivering what nothing else can.
If you think about it, it makes perfect sense: publishing original research satisfies the thirst for unique content that sets you apart from your competition. During the buying process — and after — your target audience is looking for reassurance that you are the right choice. Fresh insight into their questions or a new take on the issues they’re facing builds your thought leadership position and their confidence in you.
The action lag.
So why, then, are only 37 per cent of B2B marketers using original research within their content marketing? There’s definitely a gap here between buyers’ perceptions and the current marketing reality. A gap — and a missed opportunity.
Perhaps marketers don’t know where to start, or find the prospect of a new area somewhat daunting.
An approach for everyone.
Original research can mean as ‘little’ as collating the views of your subject matter experts, or as much as a global quantitative survey of the market. There are a multitude of ways to find the answers to the questions that perplex your target audience, in ways that guide their decision making. The bottom line is that you’re delivering what people can’t get anywhere else — and because that has great value, it attracts attention.
If you’d like to talk through how we can help you incorporate original research into your 2018 content marketing strategy, then get in touch.