Our key recommendations for standout B2B blog content
Every day, the amount of content being produced for B2B blogs continues to soar. Which means creating articles that stand out from the crowd and capture the attention of your target audience is only getting harder and harder.
Yet, a flourishing blog is a great channel of communication with your target audience and will generate meaningful conversions for your business.
Here’s our key recommendations for B2B blog content success:
Understand what appeals to your specific audience
Ask your salespeople and customer service staff about the common questions and concerns they hear from prospects and customers. Listen and find out what information might appeal to your target market and match it to what your organisation offers.
Get the most out of the resources you have
Your people know your target market best, so it makes sense that they should play a big part in ‘speaking’ to them. Pull together a team of contributors who can use their expertise to connect with customers.
Don’t just blog for the sake of it
Make sure every article puts across a clear point; don’t be tempted to post something that’s all puff and no substance, just because you’ve got a schedule to meet. Satisfied readers who feel they’ve got something out of your article will return for more.
Devise a plan
Step back and think ahead. Make strategic decisions now about what you’re going to be blogging about over the next six months. It’ll make you think objectively about what you’re putting out and make sure you never get caught short.
Be dependable
Try to post strong content regularly; this will make checking your blog a good habit for your readership — giving you regular opportunities to ‘speak’ to your audience. Try getting blogs written ahead of schedule so that other commitments don’t get in the way.
Spread your message
Promote your articles online to support your content. Make the most of your social media platforms to reach your audience wherever they are.
If you’d to speak to us about devising your own unique B2B blog campaign strategy, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.